Delphine Hermans

Born in 1981, Delphine Hermans has studied animation cinema at the Animation Cinema Department of the National Superior School "La Cambre" in Bruxelles.
Since 2006, she works at Camera-etc (ex Caméra Enfants Admis), a Belgian animation workshop where children, teenagers and adults make animation shorts with the help of professionals.
With her film L’enveloppe jaune she won the quartier21/MQ Artist-in-Residence Award at Tricky Women 2009 and she is going to stay in Vienna till the end of August 2010 working on the Tricky Women Trailer for 2011.
L’enveloppe jaune will be screened August 20, 9.30 pm. on the ocassion of Frameout´s open air screenings at the MQ (Hof 8).
FilmografieHer student films are:
- Oc bidrar, 2005
- Une bouteille de lait, 2004
- Voisins, 2003
- Arêtes
- L’héritier, 2002
- Variation trucidaire, 2001