Workshop: Empowerment with Animation

Moїa Jobin-Paré (Tricky Women 2018 Trailer) | Photo: Christian Duval
Empowerment with Animation
2 days Animation Workshop with the Canadian based artist Moїa Jobin-Paré (Tricky Women Trailer 2018).
Moїa will guide you in her fascinating techniques of scratching images printed on photographic paper, using craft knives and abrasive tools. Through animation experiments, you’ll be invited to create freely out of pre-existing images while exploring what is hidden under the colored surfaces.
Datum: 8.+9. März, jeweils 10.00-16.00 Uhr
Kosten: € 140,-
Anmeldung (und Einzahlung) bis 1. März an erforderlich.
Es wird in Teamwork gearbeitet, keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig, Neugierde mitbringen!
In englischer Sprache!