Exhibition revisited: Marta Pajek at Bildraum 07

Fotos: © Eszter Kondor
Marta Pajek ranks among the most successful female animators of our time. During Tricky Women/Tricky Realities 2022 she made a large-scale intervention at Bildraum 07: Her film Impossible Figures and Other Stories II formed the starting point. Pajek has taken us on an intriguing journey through psychedelic mazes, constantly changing perspectives of the physical space and a woman's mind.
In Impossible Figures and Other Stories III, an encounter between a man and a woman in a waiting room turns into a game of passion and rejection. Absolutely brilliant! According to the artist, the triptych Impossible Figures and Other Stories is based on the idea of an impossible figure, "a figure that can be drawn according to all the rules of perspective, but cannot be constructed in the real world."
Interview with Marta Pajek at #wienlebt on Okto. Watch the interview >> here.
Video of the large-scale intervention by Marta Pajek at Bildraum 07: