Animation artist Marta Pajek, well known for her award winning surreal, multi-layered films, created the festival trailer for TRICKY WOMEN/TRICKY REALITIES 2019. Marta won the 3-month scholarship to live and work at Q21/MQ under the artist-in-residence program at Tricky Women 2017 for her film "Impossible Figures and Other Stories II". The trailer was made during her stay in Vienna last fall. The sound design is by Michał Jankowski.
Marta Pajek about the trailer: “For the TRICKY WOMEN/TRICKY REALITIES 2019 trailer, I chose to portray a witch - a woman not only tricky, but also wise and powerful. One, whose experience and intuition allows her to reach into our deepest and darkest emotions and create wonders from thin air. The festival brings together many amazing female filmmakers and the witch is a symbol of their power, wit and sensitivity”